Once you open up Popcorn Time you will want to head on over to the settings menu! The application should now be on your Apple TV and ready to use! Setup Popcorn Time When prompted, enter your Apple ID and password and the app will download. Move the Popcorn Time IPA file to the GUI tool by dragging the file to its screen. In the GUI tool, find and select your Apple TV in the devices list. We will be using Cydia Impactor in our example. If you don’t already have your computer and tv hooked up via USB cable, connect it now. Now that you have both a GUI tool and Popcorn Time’s IPA file downloaded to your Mac, we can begin installing.

One of the greatest features of Popcorn Time is its many available platforms. With all of these different options, it is easy to see why users would be interested in a product like Popcorn Time, which allows users to skip buying subscriptions to multiple streaming services and find their favorites shows and movies all in one place. Popcorn Time is an alternative to these paid-subscription streaming services.

Companies like Amazon and YouTube have entered the ring and managed to hold their own. There are dozens of streaming platforms to choose from and it seems most popular companies want to jump into the game. The world of video-on-demand has exploded over the last few years. Popcorn Time is a multi-platform, BitTorrent client that was released in February of 2014 and experienced a boom in users and functionality in 2016.